Road Victims Trust
Contact details:
146 Bedford road
Bedfordshire MK42 8BH
0123 484 3345

The Road Victims Trust are a registered charity (1142336) and have been established since 1995.
The Road Victims Trust (RVT) provides free emotional and practical support to all persons affected by a road death in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire. Service level agreements with the 3 police forces in these counties ensure that details of all persons requiring support are referred to RVT. A face to face counselling service is provided for all persons requiring RVT Services . This support is provided by fully qualified counselling volunteers backed up by a team of professional coordinators. The support is available for as long as is needed.
The support includes practical help and information at coronial and criminal court cases.
Telephone support is also available to persons requiring the service who were affected by a road death occurring in the 3 counties but who reside outside of the counties.