Contact details:
Shakespeare Business Centre,
245A Coldharbour Lane,
London UK SW9 8RR
0845 450 0355

RoadPeace is a well-established national charity for road crash victims that helps families and friends bereaved or injured in road crashes. It was set up in 1992 in response to the desperate need of road crash victims for information, support and practical help with legal proceedings.
RoadPeace provides the following services to the bereaved and injured.
Helpline – 0845 450 0355
Our helpline operates Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, where anyone affected by a road crash (bereaved or injured) can call for both emotional and advocacy support.
Befriender Service
Telephone befriending puts those bereaved or injured in a crash in touch with someone who shares a similar experience to them and can offer emotional support drawing from their own personal experience of a road death/ crash.
Six Week Trauma Support Programme
The resilience building programme provides group support for anyone that has lost a loved one in a road crash.
This programme aims to help the bereaved in two ways:
- To enable participants to interact with others with similar experiences
- To help them understand the range of mental and physical symptoms that occur naturally as a reaction to an unnatural death
and to develop coping skills to manage these.
Local Support Group for the Bereaved
Roadpeace has established a number of local support groups bereaved families. Meetings enable families to connect with others who’s circumstances they share and reduce social isolation.
Casework Support
We have extensive experience as caseworkers. We aim to help victims with queries about investigation, inquests, prosecution, and compensation.
Local Guides
We provide detailed guides on road death investigation and inquests for families bereaved by road crashes.
Civil Compensation – RoadPeace Legal Panel
The RoadPeace legal panel is made up of leading specialist personal injury law firms. The panel aims to help and support people bereaved or seriously injured in a road collision by enabling them access high quality legal advice and justice, including fair compensation.
Remembrance services
RoadPeace understands the importance of remembering family and friends who have died and we encourage remembrance through the following ways:
World day of remembrance – services takes place every year on the third Sunday of November. RoadPeace wood – service takes place every year on the second Saturday of August, during national road victim month
Remember me plaque – RoadPeace sends out roadside memorial plaques to bereaved families who wish to place these at the crash site in remembrance of their loved one.
Online memorial – RoadPeace provides an internet memorial for members to remember and add personal tributes to those who have lost their lives because of a road crash.