
Contact details:

John Russell House,
1 George Williams Way,
Colchester, CO1 2JS
0120 651 2445 / 07913 584260


KnifeCrimes.Org we are a user-led National Registered Charity supporting hundreds of families bereaved as a result of a loved-one being murdered. Our research shows that peer support is extremely beneficial as the sudden death through Homicide is particularly traumatic for parents, as well as siblings, grandparents and sometimes the school friends of the Victim…it is this understanding that forms the basis of our work.

KnifeCrimes.Org provides a full range of support services, some of which are as follows:

  • Bereavement information
  • Support with emotional experiences affecting ability to function normally and carry our normal daily routines
  • Immediate access to peer support
  • Facilitating access to answers for Victims’ Families
  • Providing a ‘Victim Led’ organisational management structure
  • Ongoing provision of support to Homicide Victims’ Families
  • Advocacy and assistance in preparing ‘Impact Statements’
  • Providing Training to Police Family Liaison Officer (Homicide FLO’s) Schools, YOT’s and other organisations


Working in partnership with Government and other Agencies to bring about enhanced Rights for Victims of Crime, particularly with the Criminal Justice System.